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There is a saying: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.” The same is true when it comes to your clients. You cannot make them come to you repeatedly by doing what you do now, but there are ways to engage them that will make them feel special every time they come to you. By applying these techniques in your business practice, you will find that clients start coming to you more often because they know the value of what they are getting from your business.

Tell People What You Do

If you want to engage people, tell them what you do. When someone asks, “What do you do?” and they do not get an answer, they think: “Then why should I care?” So, be prepared and provide an accurate answer because if people already ask you is because they are interested in what you do, hence they will be interested in your answer as well.

How To Tell Them What You Do

The best way to tell people what you do is by using stories or examples as opposed to just listing your services/products. For example: “With my company, we help businesses to win online with the wide range of Windows and Linux Hosting packages. Our mission is to provide tailored IT services that help your business growth”. That way, customers get more value from each product/service that we create together because only then can both parties walk away feeling satisfied with their experience together.


Over-delivery is a fantastic way to make clients come back to you more often. It is also a wonderful way to ensure that they continue having positive experiences with your business. When it comes to over-delivering, you need to be creative and find ways of doing so on what you promise or even exceed their expectations.

There are many ways you can over-deliver:

Over-deliver quality. This means providing better products or services than what your clients were expecting, which will make them feel that they have more value for their money spent with you. For example, if you offer free shipping but end up sending their product faster than expected, this would be an over-delivery in speed and efficiency.

Over-deliver service. This involves going beyond customer service protocols as much as possible without compromising on quality standards as well as deadlines for delivery timeframes. An example of this could be sending handwriting thank-you notes after every purchase made from your store instead of just automated emails stating, “thank you for shopping with us!”

Invest in Yourself

Having a prominent level of knowledge about your products and services and being able to communicate with your clients are essential for building a successful business. You need to be able to understand their needs, wants, problems and frustrations so that you can help them solve them by providing the best solution possible based on your expertise or knowledge of what works best for your clients. So, invest in yourself with certifications, training, or coaching sessions so you can be always updated for your customer.

Be Proactive

Being proactive is one of the best ways to keep your clients coming back, and it is something you can do right now. If something happened with their order, you should be the first to reach out and contact your clients with an update or questions. Do not wait for them to contact you; instead, initiate the conversation.

If someone has hired you for something specific, there is no reason they would need to contact you about that job unless there are complications or questions about it (which is usually rare). You do not want them to check in every time something comes up being proactive, so initiating conversations about specific issues before they arise so that everything goes smoothly.

Be Realistic

Being realistic is one of the most important skills you need to have. You do not want to over-promise and under-deliver or make promises that you cannot keep. As such, it is important to be able to say no, when necessary, as well.

The best way to do this is by simply being honest with your clients about what they can expect from your work together and how long it will take for you both to achieve those results:

“I can help you with your online marketing, but this will not be an overnight process. We should plan to work together for some time to get decent results”.

“I can definitely help you to set up your Windows server depending on your availability. Could we please plan together the setup time, so you do not face downtimes on your business”.

Make Your Clients Feel Special

It is not easy to make your clients feel special, but it is worth the effort. Being proactive and being realistic are essential for creating a positive working relationship. Also, being real is important because if you fake it, your client will see through it.

If you want to be a good listener, then you should aim to be sincere and genuine when doing so. When you are around your clients, try being a good communicator by speaking wisely and thoughtfully to avoid awkward silence or misunderstandings between yourselves and/or others present during any given interaction with them (including yourself).

A good leader will also listen carefully for signs of potential problems within their own work environment before they escalate into something worse than just an inconvenience. This means that they proactively seek out feedback from anyone who might have something useful or relevant information related specifically towards meeting their needs better than ever before. This mean asking questions directly first before making assumptions based upon prior knowledge only.


We hope we have given you some useful tips to help you attract and keep clients. We know it can be difficult at first, but if you stay positive, try different approaches, and keep working on your business, then soon enough it will start to pay off.