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Behavior is a way of learning to do something: this could be used productively or in the inefficiently way. We will focus on the bad behaviors that are harming your business and ways to fix them to succeed.

There are diverse types of companies. So we cannot measure them with the same yardstick, however, bad behaviors could be produced by any type of business. 

Bad behaviors must be identified with the impact it causes on the business reputation and financial gains – not only right away, but in the long run a well. This will give a ballpark idea if this is a real bad behavior, or just a random bad case. 

Lack of organization

This implies having clear objectives, having the right people in each role to be able to perform what they need to perform, and respecting hierarchical ranks.

By having an organization well-structured thing will flow and bosses will just make sure the objectives are reached. When objectives aren’t reached it is imperative to have contingency plans.

How can we guarantee we really have business processes organized?  Ask yourself the following, so that you will answer your queries:

  • Do we have clear objectives?
  • Have I covered the roles I need? Such as …
  • Do I have an accounting?
    Accountant manages the financial record appropriately. This is especially important when the business is not a startup. If it is a startup let’s just try to invest in necessary stuff so we do not waste money in vain.
  • Do I have an IT person? IT person makes sure we always have our business up and running. If not, that could make us lose money sooner or later.
  • Do I have a salesperson? The salesperson will oversee or interact with customers and will have the skills to sell when customers really need it. This allows the customer to have a great customer experience.
  • Do I have a marketing person? The marketer will handle the strategies every healthy business requires. This includes promoting the brand and the products, creating positive image and ensuring sales growth. 


A business could have an organization, but sometimes leaders are always making micromanaging. When this happens, people adopt a type of codependency which harms business because employee must have the capability to deal with issues or customers by their own, but if this always implies a boss’s approval, the customers will perceive that the employee could not resolve their issue in a timely manner. People are looking for solutions, not looking for more issues to handle. 

Lack of work-life balance

Nowadays, people are suffering too much anxiety, depression, and some other illness for stress. Businesses that are not motivating their employees to have a work-life balance, for sure will have long term problems because people won’t perform. What businesses could do to avoid this is to make employees work in their shift time only, and employees must accomplish their task during the shift time as well. 

Do not deal with people with a bad attitude

Companies can teach whatever they want and people will be able to learn and understand but companies NEVER could be able to teach how to have a good attitude and how to deal with employees’ bad attitudes. Of course, leaders in some moments of their life will have to deal with those types of employees, however, this does not mean that a leader or whoever must deal with such a situation.  

Once we perceive the employee is demonstrating he has attitude issues, we have to take some time to talk about the issue and how this is affecting the business environment and ask what is causing it. They need both to find a solution. Though sometimes it makes sense to let this employee go.  

A bad attitude never will have a reason to be, however, leaders often do not know what is happening below their eyes, that is why it is good to investigate before deciding to fire someone. There are a few other important things to consider: 

  • Set policies with zero tolerance (which applies to anybody in the company).
  • Do not hire for friendship or familiarity (unless there is a family company).
  • Provide a training period (during this time the company will address some aspects such as company policies, product knowledge, etc). 
  • Show with your example (respect time shift, lunch, and break hours, be respectful with everyone no matter the position).

About SoftSys Hosting

We take pride in having teamwork enough prepared to give a solution to any customer queries. Having your business is something you must be proud of, and if you need a reliable IT partner to support your online efforts our Linux VPS hosting or Window VPS hosting solutions will be an ideal choice. We’re also offering powerful dedicated servers for any resource-intensive needs you may have.