Having the desire to start an online business is becoming a little bit easier with the time passing. In this article you will discover everything you need to know about setting up an online business. You will learn how to choose a hosting company, get started with online sales via eCommerce platforms such as nopCommerce, WooCommerce and much more.
Since the Internet has become a daily part of our lives, it has also opened a window of opportunities to people who want to do business online. So it is easy to start your own business without having to rent or lease a shop in town, just by using your computer and creating an account on a social media site, where most people are residing, you will be able to launch your own business.
The big question is how to get started? We will advise step-by-step so you can take into consideration each step and succeed in your online business.
Decide on a business niche
We can have many options available. However, it is also important to handle the niche we will choose or at least to have a person that could be an expert in the area. There are different options, but not all the options fit people’s skills.
Some examples of a business niche could be:
Sell a service such as consulting. Think in what area you are a master so you can work on consultations, in the area you feel comfortable.
Website developer or app developer. There are many people looking for someone who can develop their app or website, so offering your service as a developer is a great idea to start monetizing.
Freelance. If you are still afraid of putting all your efforts on working full-time because there is a field that you do not know, you can start working as a freelancer, so you know how things work, you get familiar on where to offer your services, etc. Once you feel comfortable and you have clients you can move little by little to work full-time.
Online courses. There are always people looking to learn something new and different. Sometimes people do not value all the skills they have, but these skills can help people empower others and at the same time earn money. So, let’s think about what you are good at to start selling your services and providing courses.
Online store. There are so many products you can sell and there is no need to have a physical store. This allows to save money because you will not spend on bills and everything that implies having a physical presence.

Business Name
Once you have chosen the niche, it is important to think of a name for your business. You can check if the name you have in mind is available, clicking on domain registration. You can confirm if the name chosen is available to proceed with the registration so nobody else buys it. The annual costs are incredibly low so this is something that you can manage.
Choose a CMS
Also, you do not have to spend a lot of money on a web developer and can start with free and open-source content management system (CMS) such as WordPress by using the Elementor plugin features for free. Also visual composer starter theme, Joomla CMS and nopCommerce platform are available.
Hosting Provider
Then the next step will be to look for a hosting company where you will have your website up and running. For example, at SoftSys Hosting you will have a few options to choose between a self-managed server or fully managed servers. If you don’t have any technical background, we suggest going for a fully managed option so you do not have to do anything on your end and the technical team can handle everything for you.
Choose a niche that has room for growth, you do not want to get stuck in an industry that is already saturated and has no trending potential. Choose among the most viable online business options for 2023 mentioned above and grow your business to the new heights.